The Great Flood – Genesis 7
- Seven days after Noah and his family enter the ark, forty days of rain ensued, flooding the face of the earth and killing all people and animals.
- The waters prevailed on the earth for one hundred fifty days.
Noah's Deliverance – Genesis 8
- Over forty days, the flood waters recede, and the ark rests on the mountains of Ararat.
- Noah sends out a raven and then a dove. The dove returns because it has nowhere to land, and Noah sends it out again seven days later, and this time it returns with an olive branch in its mouth. Noah waits another seven days, then sends out the dove again. This time it doesn't return, confirming dry land.
- God tells Noah and his family to leave the ark.
- The first thing Noah does is build an altar to the Lord.
- The aroma of the burnt sacrifices pleases the God, and He decides to never destroy the earth in such a way again.
God's Promise to Noah – Genesis 9
- God blesses Noah, and, as He did with Adam and Eve, tells him to "be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth." (Gen. 9:1)
- God establishes a covenant with Noah and his sons, promising to never destroy the earth by flood again. He places a rainbow in the sky as a reminder of this covenant.
Noah and His Sons
- The sons of Noah are introduced: Ham, Shem, and Japheth.
- Noah gets drunk and becomes "uncovered" in his tent.
- Ham sees his father's nakedness and tells his brothers, and Shem and Japheth respectfully cover their father without looking at him.
- When Noah finds out what happened, he blesses Shem and Japheth, but curses Canaan, the son of Ham, making him and his offspring servants.
- Three hundred fifty years after the flood, at age nine hundred fifty years, Noah dies.
Nations Descended from Noah – Genesis 10 & 1 Chronicles 1:5–23
- Describes the offspring of Ham, Shem, and Japheth, and (in Genesis) the lands they occupy.
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