Saturday, February 4, 2017

February 4: Exodus 10:1 – Exodus 12:51

The Eighth Plague: Locusts – Exodus 10

  • God again sends Moses and Aaron to Pharaoh. He has hardened the hearts of Pharaoh and his servants so He can show to Moses' son and grandson how He has dealt harshly with the Egyptians and the signs He has done, that they might know He is God.
  • Moses and Aaron ask Pharaoh how long he will refuse to humble himself and tells him to let the Egyptians go. They also tell him that if he doesn't, God will plague Egypt with locusts.
  • Pharaoh's men tell Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go and question if he doesn't yet understand that Egypt is ruined. Pharaoh still refuses.
  • Moses stretches out his hand over Egypt, and the land is plagued with locusts. They eat all the plants and trees in the country.
  • Pharaoh calls for Moses and Aaron, and claims he has sinned against God and begs them to plead with God to remove the plague. Moses does so, and the Lord sends a strong wind that drives the locusts into the Red Sea. Still, Pharaoh does not let the people go.

The Ninth Plague: Darkness
  • God tells Moses to stretch out his hand over the land, and darkness falls over the land for three days (except in Goshen).
  • Pharaoh tells Moses to take the people but leave the livestock, and go serve their God in the wilderness. Moses tells him the livestock must go with them so they have animals to sacrifice.
  • Pharaoh refuses, and tells Moses to leave his presence and to never come into his presence again, because Moses will die if he does.

A Final Plague Threatened – Exodus 11
  • God tells Moses He will send one more plague on the Egyptians and that afterward Pharaoh will let them go and drive them away completely. He tells Moses to have the Hebrew people ask their Egyptian neighbors for silver, gold and clothing, which they do, and the Egyptians give them what they ask for.
  • Moses tells the Hebrews that about midnight all the firstborns of Egypt will die and that Pharaoh will release the Hebrew people.

The Passover – Exodus 12
  • God tells Moses and Aaron to tell the Hebrews that on the tenth of the month they will take either a sheep or goat lamb, keep it until the fourteenth of the month, and then sacrifice it and place its blood on the lintel and doorposts of the house. They are then to eat its roasted flesh along with unleavened bread and bitter herbs that night. They are to burn any of the meat that returns, and to eat it with their belts fastened, their sandals on their feet, and their staffs in their hands. He tells them to keep this as a feast to the Lord.
  • The Hebrews are then to eat unleavened bread for seven days and hold a "holy assembly" on the first and seventh days.
  • Moses instructs the people of Israel to do everything that God has instructed, and the people obey.

The Tenth Plague: Death of the Firstborn – Exodus 13
  • At midnight God strikes all of the firstborns throughout Egypt. Their is great sorrow in every household, and Pharaoh summons Moses and Aaron and tells them to take their people and leave Egypt.

The Exodus
  • The people of Israel leave Rameses and journey to Succoth (about six hundred thousand men, along with women and children) with their livestock. At this time the Hebrews had been in Egypt for 430 years.
  • God gives more instructions about the Passover feast, and the Hebrews do just as the Lord commanded.

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