Warning Against Idolatry – Deuteronomy 13
- Moses instructs the people that if a prophet or dreamer of dreams tells them to go after other gods, they are not to listen, for the Lord is testing them. The prophet or dreamer of dreams is to be put to death to purge evil from their midst. If a family member instructs them to go after other gods, they are to do the same. If any people draw away from the cities so they can worship other gods, the people are to put them to death. The Lord will show His people mercy and compassion and will multiply them if they do what is right in the sight of the Lord.
Clean and Unclean Food – Deuteronomy 14
- Moses reminds the people of the food they are to eat (clean food) and the food they are not to eat (unclean food). They are not to eat any animal that has died naturally, but they may give them to the sojourners in their towns or sell it to foreigners. They are not to boil a young goat in its mother's milk.
- Moses instructs the people that they are to tithe all the yield of their seed from the field year by year, and are go to the place where God directs them and eat of their tithes that they may learn to fear the Lord. If it is too far for them to carry their tithe, they may convert it to money, go to the place where God chooses, and spend the money for whatever they desire. They are not to neglect the Levites, as they have no portion or inheritance.
- At the end of every three years, they are to lay up a tithe within their towns. The Levite, the sojourner, the fatherless, and the widow can then come and be filled, and the Lord will bless the tithers.
The Sabbatical Year – Deuteronomy 15
- Moses instructs the people that at the end of every seven years, they are to give a release (every creditor is to release what he has lent to his neighbor or brother, although this doesn't apply to foreigners). There will be no poor among them because God will bless them if they obey Him. If anyone becomes poor, the people are to open their hands to him and lend what he needs. They are to give freely and unbegrudgingly, and the Lord will bless them.
- If a Hebrew person is sold, after six years of work he is to be released. The person is not to be let go empty-handed, as they are to bless these people as the Lord blessed them. If the person decides not to leave his master, then he will be a slave forever.
- All the firstborn males of the herd and the flock are to be dedicated to the Lord. If it has no blemish, the family is to eat of it, but they are not to eat its blood.
Passover – Deuteronomy 16
- Moses instructs the people to keep the Passover in the month of Abib. For seven days, they are to celebrate it with unleavened bread, and on the seventh day there is to be a solemn assembly to the Lord and they are not to do work.
The Feast of Weeks
- Seven weeks after the sickle is first put to the grain, they are to celebrate the Feast of Weeks with a tribute of freewill offering. They are to rejoice before the Lord and to remember that they were slaves in Egypt.
The Feast of Booths
- They are to keep the Feast of Booths for seven days, when they have gathered in their produce. All people are to rejoice in the feast.
- So three times a year, the Hebrew people are to appear before the Lord at the place He will choose—Passover, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Booths. Every man is to give as he is able according to the blessing of the Lord.
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