Monday, March 13, 2017

March 13: Deuteronomy 3:21 – Deuteronomy 5:23

Moses Forbidden to Enter the Promised Land – Deuteronomy 3:21–29

  • Moses reminds the Israelites how he told God of His greatness and then requested that he might cross into the Promised Land but God told him not to ask again and then instructed him to go to the top of Mount Pisgah and look at the land from there. God then told him to encourage and strengthen Joshua, because he would be the one to lead the people into the land.

Moses Commands Obedience – Deuteronomy 4
  • Moses instructs the people to listen to the statutes and rules he is teaching them, and to remember what happened when they disobeyed and worshiped Baal at Peor. He then recounts how he was called to the top of the mountain and given the Ten Commandments.

Idolatry Forbidden
  • Moses reminds the people that they are forbidden to make any idols and warns them that if they do make idols, their time in the land will be short. He tells them that if they obey the Lord, He will not leave them, destroy them, or forget their covenant.

The Lord Alone Is God
  • Moses reminds the Hebrew people that the Lord alone is God, and if they keep His commandments, things will go well for them and their children and their days in the land will be prolonged.

Cities of Refuge
  • Moses sets apart three cities in the east beyond the Jordan as cities of refuge: Bezar for the Reubenites, Ramoth for the Gadites, and Golan for the Manassites.

Introduction to the Law
  • The laws already given (the Ten Commandments) are reintroduced.

The Ten Commandments – Deuteronomy 5
  • Moses summons all of Israel and reminds them of the commandments God gave them at Horeb:
    1. No other gods before God.
    2. No graven images.
    3. No taking the name of the Lord in vain.
    4. Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.
    5. Honor your mother and father.
    6. No murder.
    7. No committing adultery.
    8. No stealing.
    9. No bearing false witness (lying).
    10. No coveting what belongs to others.

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