Wednesday, April 12, 2017

April 12: 1 Chronicles 9:35–39; 1 Samuel 13:1 – 1 Samuel 14:52

Saul's Genealogy Repeated – 1 Chronicles 9:35–39

  • Saul's genealogy is given.

Saul Fights the Philistines – 1 Samuel 13
  • Saul becomes king at thirty years old.
  • Saul selects 3,000 men of Israel, 2,000 of which went with Saul and 1,000 with his son Jonathan. Jonathan defeats the Philistine garrison and Geba, and the Philistines fight back. The Israelites hide in caves and holes, and some cross the Jordan to Gad.

Saul's Unlawful Sacrifice
  • Saul waits seven days, as instructed by Samuel, but Samuel doesn't come to Gilgal, and many of the men flee. Saul calls for the burnt offerings and peace offerings to be brought to him. Samuel arrives as he is offering the burnt offering and asks what Saul has done. Saul explains  that he was trying to seek the Lord's favor, but Samuel tells him he has done foolishly and it will cause his kingdom to end.
  • Saul numbers the men with him, about six hundred. While Saul and Jonathan have swords, the others don't (Israel had no blacksmiths). The Philistines approach.

Jonathan Defeats the Philistines – 1 Samuel 14
  • Jonathan and his men leave their place without Saul's knowledge. They set out toward the Philistines, determining that if they approach them and the Philistine invite them closer, then God has given them into his hand. Jonathan and his armor-bearer kill about twenty Philistines, and fear spreads through their camp.
  • Saul's soldiers in Gilbeah see the army of the Philistines dispersing, and instruct that role be called to see which soldiers are missing. They realize that Jonathan and his armor-bearer are gone. The confusion in the Philistine camp intensifies and Saul and his men set out for the battle. They find the Philistines killing each other. The Lord saves Israel that day.

Saul's Rash Vow
  • Saul makes an oath saying that cursed be the man that eats food before it is evening and Saul is avenged of his enemies. His men eat nothing that day. That evening, Jonathan finds honey in the forest and, not knowing his father's vow, eats it. When the men tell Jonathan about his father's curse, Jonathan thinks his father foolish for starving the men.
  • The men take the Philistine spoils and the men eat of the oxen, sheep, and calves, including the blood. Saul is made aware that the Israelites have been sinning by eating the blood. He instructs all the men to bring the animals to him and slaughter it there, and not eat of its blood. Saul builds an altar to the Lord.
  • Saul instructs his men to plunder the Philistines, but the priest suggests they ask God first. God doesn't answer, and Saul has the army commanders brought to him to find out which man sinned. After the casting of lots, Jonathan is shown to be the guilty one, and he admits to eating the honey. Saul declares that Jonathan must die, but the people object because Jonathan has conquered the Philistines. He is not put to death, and the army is called back from chasing the Philistines.

Saul Fights Israel's Enemies
  • Saul continues to fight Israel's enemies around them.

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