Thursday, April 13, 2017

April 13: 1 Samuel 15:1 – 1 Samuel 17:31

The Lord Rejects Saul – 1 Samuel 15

  • Samuel tells Saul that the Lord has sent him to anoint Saul over Israel and the God instructs Saul to destroy Amalek and all that they have. Saul summons the people (numbering 200,000 plus 10,000 men of Judah). He tells the Kenites to flee since they were kind to Israel, then destroys the Amalekites. He spares Agag, king of the Amalekites and the best of their livestock.
  • The Lord sends word to Samuel that He is sorry that He made Saul king, because Saul has turned his back on Him and not followed His commandments. He then learns that Saul has erected a monument to himself. The next day Samuel goes to Saul and questions why he did not obey God's commands, and points out that he has rejected the word of the Lord and the Lord has rejected Saul as king.
  • Saul begs for forgiveness, but Samuel refuses. As Samuel turns to leave, Saul seizes the skirt of his robe and the fabric tears. Samuel tells him that on this day the Lord has torn the kingdom from him. Saul bows before the Lord.
  • Samuel has Agag brought to him. Agag thinks the bitterness of death is past, but Samuel hacks him to pieces with a sword because he has left so many women childless. Samuel goes to Ramah, and Saul goes to Gilbeah. (Samuel does not see him again until the day of his death, but he grieves over Saul, and God regrets making Saul king of Israel.

David Anointed King – 1 Samuel 16
  • God asks Samuel how long he will grieve over Saul. He tells Samuel to fill his horn with oil and go to Jesse the Bethlehemite, for He will choose a king from his sons. Samuel fears Saul will kill him, but God tells him that He will show him what to do.
  • Samuel goes to Bethlehem, and the elders ask if he has come peaceably. He tells them he has. He tells them to consecrate themselves and come to a sacrifice. He consecrates Jesse and invites him and his sons to the sacrifice as well.
  • Samuel thinks Eliab will be God's chosen, but God tells him not to look at appearance or stature. The rest of Jesse's sons are brought before Samuel, but none of them are chosen either. Samuel asks Jesse if he has other sons, and Jesse tells him about his youngest, who is tending sheep. Samuel has Jesse send for him, and when David arrives, God tells Samuel to anoint him. Samuel does, and the Spirit of God rushes upon David. Samuel returns to Ramah.

David in Saul's Service
  • The Spirit of the Lord leaves Saul, and a harmful spirit torments him. His servants suggest finding a servant to play the lyre so he will be well. Saul does so, and David is brought to him. David enters Saul's service, and Saul loves him. Whenever the harmful spirit is upon Saul, David refreshes him by playing the lyre.

David and Goliath – 1 Samuel 17
  • The Philistines gather their armies for battle. Saul and his men go to meet them, with Saul and his men on mountains and the Philistines on other mountains, with a valley between. The Philistines have a warrior named Goliath (about 9 feet 9 inches) who goes forward and calls for an Israelite man to go against him. For forty days and nights he does this. Saul and all his men are greatly afraid.
  • Jesse sends David with food for his three brothers who are fighting with Saul. While he is there, Goliath comes forward and calls for a man to fight him. David asks who this uncircumcised Philistine is, that he should defy the armies of God?
  • When Saul hears about what David has said, he sends for David.

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