David Spares Saul Again – 1 Samuel 26
- The Ziphites again tell Saul where David is hiding, and Saul and his men pursue him. David sends out spies, then goes out and finds where Saul is sleeping within the encampment. Abishai, who is David's nephew, tells him that God has given Saul over to him, but David refuses to let Abishai kill him, saying that God will strike Saul if He chooses. David takes the spear and water jar from near Saul's head, and they leave.
- David goes and stands on a far-off hill, then calls to Abner, Saul's commander. He shows him Saul's spear and water jar. Saul also comes and sees what David has done (spared him again), and he tells David he will do him no more harm. David goes his way, and Saul returns home.
David Flees to the Philistines – 1 Samuel 27:1–7
- David and his 600 men flee to the Philistines, where they feel they will be safe from Saul. He lives with Achish at Gath along with his two wives. Achish gives him land in Ziklag. Saul learns where David is but doesn't pursue him.
The Mighty Men Join David – 1 Chronicles 12:1–7
- Mighty Benjamites come to David while he is at Ziklag.
David Flees to the Philistines – 1 Samuel 27:8–12
- David lives in Gath for sixteen months, making raids against enemies, taking all the peoples lives and bringing their livestock and belongings back to Gath. When Achish asks where David has been raiding, he tells him that he was raiding Israelite settlements (or settlements of those who were friendly to the Israelites). Achish trusts him.
Saul and the Medium of En-dor – 1 Samuel 28
- The Philistines gather their forces to go to war against Israel. Achish tells David that he is to go with his men, and David agrees.
- Saul gathers all the Israelite warriors, and when he sees the Philistine army, he is afraid. He inquires of the Lord, but God does not answer him, so he sends his men to find a medium. They do, and tell him there is a woman medium in En-dor.
- Saul disguises himself, and he and some of his servants go to her during the night. He asks the medium to summon the spirit of Samuel. She does, and when she sees Samuel, she asks Saul why he has deceived her. He promises her that no harm will come to her, and she tells him that she sees a god coming up out of the earth; Saul knows it is Samuel. Samuel tells him that the Lord has given the kingdom to David, and that God will give Israel and him into the hands of the Philistines and that tomorrow Saul and all his sons will be with Samuel (dead).
- Saul has not eaten, and the woman kills a fattened calf and makes unleavened bread. Saul and his servants eat, then leave by night.
The Philistines Reject David – 1 Samuel 29:1–11
- Although Achish trusts David, the other Philistine commanders fear David may betray them. They have Achish send him and his men home (in God's providence, David is spared the occasion to shed Israelite blood). David does as instructed.
In God I Trust – Psalm 56
- David pens a psalm of thanksgiving for God hearing and acting as He has done in the past.
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